Sarathi Germinate Nidhi Limited

Vue: 103

Jour de mise à jour: 13-05-2024

Localisation: Hosur Tamil Nadu

Catégorie: Ventes

Industrie: Financial Services

Niveau: Executive

Type d’emploi: Full-time

Salaire: ₹18,000/mo - ₹25,000/mo

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le contenu du travail

Business development managers help companies achieve their long-term goals and expand into new markets by locating new business opportunities, researching leads, establishing relationships with potential clients and arranging appointments for sales executives. The business development manager (BDM) is often the first point of contact a new potential client will have with a business when they are seeking information on the products and services the company provides.A business development manager, sometimes called a business developer manager, helps a business grow and evolve so it increases its profits and reputation over time. They do this by researching and identifying new business opportunities and establishing and managing relationships with clients. They also identify new business markets, partnerships and techniques for appealing to existing markets. They may suggest new products and services that can help the business attract new and existing customers.
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Date limite: 27-06-2024

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