Drug Safety Associate

Pathak Recruitment Services

Vue: 101

Jour de mise à jour: 30-05-2024

Localisation: Lakshadweep Union Territories

Catégorie: R & D IT - Logiciel

Industrie: Marketing Advertising Retail Accounting

Niveau: Entry level

Type d’emploi: Full-time

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le contenu du travail

The role of a drug safety associate is very unique. Generally the drug safety associates work in a team, with each one having their own set of responsibilities to fulfil. They usually work in the Pharma-co-vigilance department.

The Job Profile of Drug Safety Associate

A drug safety specialist is involved in drug safety management such as conducting clinical trials, medical supervision, keeping a check on all the applicable regulations and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). Some even work in co-ordination with chief medical directors.

Drug safety experts have numerous responsibilities and this can vary from one company to another. The roles include activities like.

Processing and writing of adverse event program

Follow up on important case reports

Serving as a link between company and the patients or healthcare experts to provide valid information on product safety.

Conducting regular pharmacovigilance developments and supervising these processes.

Attending several meetings related to product safety

Adding value to any business through product safety functionality.

This job is provided by Shine.com
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Date limite: 14-07-2024

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