Niveau: Entry level

Type d’emploi: Full-time

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le contenu du travail

In this volunteer position you will be working closely with other members of the Coding department to develop C++ code for the Lays of Althas: Sundered Order (LoA:SO). Keep in mind that we are using Epic Game s Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) to develop the game, and knowledge of how C++ code interacts with UE4 is required. Knowledge of Blueprint scripting in UE4 is recommended, but not required.

Communication is key to a smooth and efficient pipeline, you must be able to communicate clearly and effectively with other team-members and not be afraid to ask should any problems arise. We are an English-speaking team, so English fluency is a must.

If you are comfortable with teaching, you may be called upon to aid the more junior members of the team in any relevant area.

Other duties include: attending Slack meetings (Slack is an instant messaging we communicate with); completing monthly reports; and following team policies.

This is a volunteer position, so no monetary compensation is being offered.

At this time, we are having to rely upon free (or previously licensed) software. Please refer to the applications listed below for guidelines. We do not endorse piracy.


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Date limite: 14-07-2024

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