Niveau: Mid-Senior level

Type d’emploi: Volunteer

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le contenu du travail

Keshava Kripa Samvardhana Samiti is seeking skilled volunteer support through Taproot Plus. Taproot Plus is an online platform that connects nonprofits to professionals seeking strong opportunities to volunteer their talent for good. All Taproot Plus projects are vetted and once Keshava Kripa Samvardhana Samiti selects a volunteer applicant, Taproot Plus will provide resources and support to help make the project a success.

About This Project

If you would like to learn more about this organization and project, please follow the apply link to schedule a preliminary call with a representative of the organization.

About This Organization

Building a strong community by empowering the socially deprived sections of the society through education. Complementing mainstream education system and inculcating humanistic values to under privileged children through collaborative volunteerism.

Multimedia - Short traffic safety video

Create a small video on traffic safety. Volunteers can use any video editing tools. Photos music should all be copyright-free material. The video should be for less than 30 seconds hence volunteers have to communicate all road safety tips in a short time. Images should be from India. Background audio can be from any country. Most of the beneficiaries of our NGO are from the driver community. This material will be helpful in reducing accidents and deaths and thus will help support quality of life. We have already been working for road safety education. We would like to play this video to educate drivers on the importance of road safety. We have also made a report of how our NGO has been working by taking pledges for safe driving.

This project can be done remotely.
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Date limite: 20-06-2024

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