(4.03) - 59 valutazione

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Since 1993, The Banyan has developed a variety of holistic mental health solutions that address multifaceted components of distress that those with mental health issues face. We aim to create replicable & sustainable models of care that address the interconnected elements of mental ill health. This includes, emergency and acute medical, psychiatric, psychological and social care offered through our street based services, hospital settings, shelter based services, community based outpatient care and inclusive long term care options for persons with high support needs. We take service user feedback extremely seriously and all of our programmes and co-created and audited by the people who use them. We approach mental health through the wellbeing and development paradigm, rather than through an illness framework, and seek to ensure an improvement in overall quality of life, for individuals experiencing psychosocial distress. We believe that every individual deserves the right to a dignified and meaningful life, with the opportunity to be aspirational and reach their fullest potential, regardless of the social and structural barriers that have caused them to be left behind and forgotten.

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