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작업 내용

About Germin8

Germin8 is a product and services company in the AI+MarTech space with its own products for Social Media Listening and Social Media Customer Care. We also develop software products for others that utilize our domain expertise in MarTech and AI.

Germin8 would be a great opportunity for someone who loves to experiment, because you learn something new at Germin8 every day.


Are you a coder with an innovative mind-set and futuristic ideas? Would you like to get introduced to the thought leaders in Social Media Analytics? Participate in our Hackathon and you get an opportunity to work with Germin8

  • 36 hour hackathon
  • Venue: Virtual
  • Event Date: August 21st & 22nd


A job offer at Germin8, if you have all that it takes to be a part of the growing team of Germin8

Skills: Advance Java, Java Script/Jquery, CSS3, HTML5, Angular js

How to register?

Register using the form down below. Register today or before August 10th2021

Screening process:

After we make sure you fit the screening skills you will be invited for the Hackathon scheduled on August 21st & 22nd


Food and Beverages will be on the house


  • The Themes and the teams shall be announced on the same day when the Hackathon begins
  • Team allocation will be done by Germin8 on the basis of the skill-sets of the person so that there is a good balance of back-end and front-end developers. Request for participants to be accommodated in the same team will not be entertained.
  • Complete confidentiality to be maintained by each team
  • There will be a time to start and time to end which will be applicable for one and all. No exceptions will be allowed.

Have more questions, here’s the FAQs section for you to ponder on it more. (Check out the FAQs by clicking here)


  • The Judges will be the Senior Leadership team from Germin8, the profiles of the judges will be shared with you on the Hack-day!
  • Judging will be a combination of a 10 minute presentation followed by a product demo. An user-guide would also have to be submitted by the panel.

The judging criteria should be:

  • Problem and solution: 30%: For the problem and the idea
  • Working prototype: 50%: For the part of the product that is actually implemented. So points only for execution and not the idea.
  • Presentation: 20%: For the 5 slide presentation that explains the value proposition

Important Contacts

To plan your logistics or if you have any other questions regarding the event, please email us at hackathon@germin8.com and the concerned person will revert back to you immediately

Ranjit Nair


Germin8 Solutions Pvt Ltd

Job Features

Job Category



Advance Java, Java Script/Jquery, CSS3, HTML5, Angular js


10th Aug 2021

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마감 시간: 20-06-2024

무료 후보 신청 클릭


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동일한 작업

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