Full Stack Engineer

Zeliang Codetech Pvt Ltd

看过: 106

更新日: 06-05-2024

位置: Dimapur Nagaland

类别: 其他


工作类型: Contract

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Full stack developer with the following skills required:

*Required Technical-Skills for Android Mobility App Developer Skill-set for ZC.

1. Android foundations
Android Studio, Kotlin and Java. XML, SQLite, MongoDB, Gradle Layout Design.

2. Android interactivity
Responding to events by using callbacks, implementing appropriate gestures such as drag and drop, providing right keyboard for user input and using pan and zoom etc. Implementing activities, configuring screen configurations etc.

3. Android UI
Using Recycler View to implement lists and grids, using Constraint Layout for designing complex layouts, applying animations to enhance user experience, using appropriate menus, following Material design guidelines and using vector drawables instead of raster graphics Designing custom components for your Views.

4. Implementing navigation
Toolbars, Bottom Navigation View, use tabs attached to the Toolbar and swipe between Fragments (different pages), with View Pager. User intention, Android Jetpack’s Navigation component.

5. Android testing
Users interact with your app on a variety of levels, from pressing a Submit button to downloading information onto their device. Accordingly, you should test a variety of use cases and interactions as you iteratively develop your app. The most commonly used testing libraries are Expresso, Junit, Mockito, Robolectric and UI Automator.

6. Working with data
To use local database, use Room database, which is the part of Android Jetpack’s architecture component. Using Content Provider. Kotlin coroutines and Flow to store data. Data Binding Library. File system APIs. REST APIs, Retrofit 2 library.

7. Notifications
Create a notification, customize its layout, add action to it and even group multiple Notifications using Notification channels.

8. Firebase on Android
Familiarity and hands-on with Google Firebase is a must.

9. Android security
Implementation of Android Security architecture around the app.

10. Git: Version control system
Familiarity with GIT is preferred.
*ZC Web Designer Position: Skill-set Requirements
Expected Technical skills.

Proven capability to code websites with HTML5 and CSS3.

2. JavaScript
Hands-on JS knowledge is preferred.

3. Content Management Systems
Proven track-record in WP development. Preferred knowledge on how to use the “block editor/Gutenberg Editor/WPBakery” in WordPress and expand the functionality using plugins.

4. Other Design Applications
Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Illustrator. Experience in Mockplus is preferred.

5. Web Server Management
Familiarity with CPANEL nd Plex interface and FileZilla is a must.

7. Online Marketing
SEO skill-sets to optimize Google search results, use of keywords, improve page load speeds, boost domain credibility, and provide regular page updates to rank the site highly.

8. Responsive Design
Seamless viewing of the pages across different view-ports(mobile/tablet/desktop/laptop screens) is a must.

9. User Experience (UX)
Fine-tuning the user experience. Make the page enjoyable to use and navigate. Unclutter the layout and intuitively organize the page in a logical fashion. UX knowledge to tailor your design to a specific target audience.

10. User Interface (UI)
Creating a consistent experience and a straightforward interface. Do not forget to add a prompt(form) and an obvious call to action functionality to the website.

11. Graphic Design
Generate visuals to communicate the right ideas.

12. Color Theory
Knowledge on when should you use light colors and dark colors? How can you tweak the contrast and saturation in ways that make the site look more appealing? Knowledge in Color Theory is a must. Web-design is an art-form where the artist needs to know his palette.
We are looking for professionals who are specialised in the above areas to work for us.

kindly drop in your portfolios.

Thanking you!
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最后期限: 20-06-2024



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